Dear friends and colleagues,
Recent developments in light and electron microscopy have revolutionized research in cell biology, structural biology and biophysics, resolving the spatiotemporal organization of biomolecules at the nanoscale and allowing the visualization of previously inaccessible macromolecular structures. This 24 hours conference will provide intriguing insights into cutting edge technological advances in super-resolution light microscopy and electron microscopy, including cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-electron tomography, combined with examples of breakthrough discoveries made possible by these technologies.
Two integrated workshops will address basic and advanced issues important for the successful application of imaging techniques, such as optimal sample preparation, labeling strategies, image analysis and data management.
In addition, there will be short talks and poster flash talks selected from abstracts, a poster session and plenty of networking opportunities. A meeting of the Junior GBM will be held as a satellite event.
The conference is aimed at both experienced users and beginners wishing to discover the fascinating world of microscopy. Places in the auditorium are limited, so early registration is recommended.
We are looking forward to an exciting meeting!
Konstanze Winklhofer / Johannes Herrmann / Stefan Jakob / Christian Münch
Thursday, September 26
Coffee break
18:45 - 21:00
Get together / Postersession
Friday, September 27
Coffee break
Poster prizes
Closing remarks
by Johannes Herrmann & Volker Haucke (President of the GBM)
14:00 - 16:00 (Bldg 20, Room H20-6)
Satellite Event: Funding opportunities for Postdocs
(organized by the GBM Postdocs)
14:00 - 16:00 (H22-1)
Satellite Event: Kick off meeting GBM study group "Cellular Organelles"
(Casual foundation event with organelle cake with coffee & tea)
Important Dates
Start registration: March 1
Early registration: June 30
Regular registration: August 31
Start late registration: September 1
On site registration is possible.
Abstract submission: July 7
Registration Fees
The registration fee includes coffee/tea/mineral water during the conference breaks.
Please note the general terms and conditions for payment and cancellation and our privacy policy.
If you want to join the GBM with your registration to enjoy the reduced participation fee, please fill in the online membership application (or fill the pdf application and send it to the GBM head office.
* member of the GBM, DECHEMA, DGZ, GDCh, VAAM, Bunsen Society
(Please bring a proof of your membership to the Kolloquium.)
Non-members* | early | regular | late |
Regular | 230 | 280 | 320 |
Student/ Retiree |
95 | 145 | 175 |
All prices in EURO
Members* | early | regular | late |
Regular | 180 | 230 | 270 |
Student/ Retiree |
75 | 125 | 155 |
All prices in EURO
We thank for the kind support by:
We do not have an overview of the current vacancies of the hotels in and around Frankfurt. We therefore recommend booking via online portals such as booking.com or hotel.de.
Please submit your abstract online after you finished the registration process.
All neccessary information will be provide during the abstract submission process.
In case you are preparing your abstract offline please mind the maximum length of 1500 characters.
Conference Proceedings
Your name badge will be available at the registration desk in Frankfurt. Please wear your name badge during the whole meeting.
We do not provide a program and abstract book. Please download the pdf shortly before the meeting or use the online list of abstracts in the program booklet
As a young member of the GBM you can apply for a travel grant until July 15.
Still not a member of the GBM? Here you can apply for it.
A wireless LAN connection is available.
Name: ukfguest
Password: ukfguest
(activated for three days after registration)
Meals & Drinks
Coffee, tea and mineral water will be provided for free during the coffee breaks.
Lunch is available at your own expense nearby the conference building:
Cafeteria in house 20 (opposite the venue, open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.), Mensa in house 35 (see campus map)
Numbers of the conference office (during the opening hours): +49 69 660567 0
Opening hours:
Tuesday | 12:00 - 18:00 |
Wednesday | 08:30 - 13:30 |
The poster should be prepared in portrait format (DIN A0 resp. ~120 x 85 cm). Please present your poster throughout the whole meeting.
We provide material for mounting the posters.
The best two posters will receive a poster prize with 300 € prize money (sponsored by the publisher Walter de Gruyter) each at the end of the meeting.
Six short talks will be selected from the submitted poster abstracts.
As a participant from abroad you may need a visa from the German embassy. If so please contact the meeting secretariat. We will send you the required invitation letter.
Organization & Contact
Scientific Organisation
Meeting Secretariat
Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie e.V.
Mörfelder Landstr. 125
60598 Frankfurt am Main
+49 69 6605670